Maybe not what they are use to when taking grandma and grandpas social security checks from them.
Wait what? Are you implying something because we are laughing and smiling as we walked into the Casino. The casino has a very strict policy when it comes to alcohol. As we entered the Casino my wife and I were laughing and talking about what we wanted to do amongst ourselves quitely when this security guard told us we had to leave. We decided to take a cab rather than drive which we felt was the Responsible decision we felt at the time. With the idea of having some fun gambling and drinking throughout the night.
We both had a 2 glasses of wine and drove our vehicle back to our hotel to park it for the evening. Our 1st stop was to have dinner at LMay's prior to arriving at the casino for some fun. My wife and I were staying at the Julian in Dubuque for a fun date night away from our kids.